What’s your dataset trying to tell you?

Let us help you turn scientific results into insightful and beautiful graphics and interactive visualizations

Who needs data visualization?

Anyone who wants to understand and communicate complex datasets.

Environmental consultancies

You’ve obtained valuable results from subject matter experts describing environmental impacts and are preparing a permit application. You’ll need to present those results in a way that is easily understood by regulatory agencies, industry clients, and the public.

We have experience in preparing environmental impact studies and regulatory documents pertaining to offshore construction and exploration, including offshore wind turbine installation, vessel noise, and high-resolution geophysical surveys.

Numerical Modelers

Are you building and running sophisticated numerical models to represent and better understand the physical world? Have you got the expertise and the rigorous methodology to produce cutting edge scientific results, but are still searching for the best way to visualize and communicate your findings clearly? We can help!

Oceanographic researchers

We have access to more data about the state of our world’s oceans than ever before. There are ocean observatories, seagoing research expeditions, remotely operated vessels and submersibles, and satellites – and of course also contributions from citizen scientists! Finding ways to analyze and present these data is critical if we want to engage broader audiences in understanding and addressing the challenges we face.


Maybe your dataset isn’t related to the ocean or environment. But you just know there’s got to be a better way to look at it. We’d still love to hear from you!

What we do

Data Analysis

Find, clean, and prepare data: these are the first steps needed to build an informative visualization!


Turn the wall of numbers into beautiful and intuitive images.


Take the leap from static graphics to interactive visualizations – filter, zoom, pan, and explore!

Have questions? Get in touch!